Welcome to Lyro Tutors, where we believe every student has the potential to excel. Our mission is to provide personalized, high-quality tutoring services that inspire confidence and foster a love for learning. With a team of tutors studying the best universities in the world, we offer tailored programs in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Learn MoreOur experienced tutors are dedicated to helping students excel.
“I love making tough topics easy to understand and helping students feel confident
in their learning.”
Studying MEng Computing at Imperial College London.
Maths, Computer Science & Physics Tutor
“I love seeing students gain confidence and achieve their goals.”
Studying MEng Strutural Engineering at University of Bath.
Pure Maths, Statistics & Mechanics Tutor
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We currently offer sessions at GCSE and A-Level in the following subjects:
Covering algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, and numerical methods for GCSE and A-Level.
Advanced topics including complex numbers, matrices, proof, differential equations, mechanics, and statistics.
Understand mechanics, electricity, waves, thermodynamics, quantum physics, fields, nuclear physics, and astrophysics.
Learn programming, algorithms, data structures, logic, networks, cybersecurity, databases, and computer architecture.
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Lyro Tutors | Specialist 1-to-1 tutoring tailored to individual students.