Learn more about our mission and our team.
Welcome to Lyro Tutors, where we believe every student has the potential to excel. Our mission is to provide personalized, high-quality tutoring services that inspire confidence and foster a love for learning.
Founded in 2025, Lyro Tutors was born out of a passion for education and a desire to provide students with the support they need to succeed. Our co-founders, Thomas Aris and Christopher Stewart, recognized a gap in the market for personalized tutoring that goes beyond rote memorization and focuses on building a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Our experienced tutors are dedicated to helping students excel. With years of expertise and a passion for teaching, we ensure top-quality education.
With a strong background in Mathematics and Computer Science, Chris has experience in tutoring, university entrance exams, and competing in maths and programming competitions. He focuses on helping students develop a deep understanding of concepts, problem-solving skills, and effective exam strategies.
Maths, Computer Science & Physics Tutor
With a solid foundation in Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics, Tom has experience in tutoring and helping students build a strong understanding of key concepts. He focus on developing students' problem-solving abilities and boosting their confidence in tackling challenging topics.
Pure Maths, Statistics & Mechanics Tutor
Discover the benefits of learning with our experienced and dedicated team.
We tailor our tutoring approach to meet the unique needs and learning style of each student, ensuring effective progress and understanding.
Our team of experienced educators brings years of expertise and a passion for teaching, providing top-quality guidance and support.
We are committed to helping students achieve their academic goals, with a track record of improved grades, increased confidence, and a love for learning.
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Lyro Tutors | Specialist 1-to-1 tutoring tailored to individual students.